Processor Technology SOL-20 Just like 1975!

As I continue to collect I am constantly amazed by the old computing machines. It has become more and more difficult to discover old computers still in the same condition they were in the mid-70's. I recently obtained a Processor Technology SOL-20, complete with Hitachi 9" monitor, original dual 5.25" external disk drives and operating manual, that looks like it has never been used. It brings back memories of Bob Marsh criss-crossing the country preaching the attributes of their new machine. He even presented it on the Today Show with Tom Snyder. The SOL-20 certainly had its own unique look and design but I think they moved too quickly into new technology before it was proven. Their Helios Hard Drive just didn't seem to be reliable and took away from their core business of just shipping hardware. It was fun dealing with Proc Tech in those days and Bob Marsh in particluar. Thanks to Ms. Marlane McGarry for taking such good care of this computer and thinking of us!
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