Thursday, January 26, 2006

Maui on my Mind

Just returned from another nice vacation at our Condo in Maui. One of the best things I did in my life was to invest in The Whaler Luxury Condominium complex way back in 1980. Barb and I and the kids have managed to make 3-4 visits each year and it just gets better. It amazes me that many living on the East Coast make the easy choice to Holiday in the Caribbean. I have been there and I have to give the nod to Maui and Hawaii. The quality of life is just better in Maui- Kaanapali Beach was just rated the "Best Beach in the World" and deservedly so. The sunsets, snorkeling, whale-watching, daily rainbows, the colors, sites and sounds are just better in Maui. I hope you agree. Barb and I also rent out our home in Maui and if you are interested in staying in one of the nicest places in the world give us a call. I have linked our website for more information. Top left is a nice photo of our view from our condo of Black Rock, Molokai and the ocean. Bottom shot we are at Sansei, one of Maui's best Japanese Restaurants with our friends the Falls from Seattle. Here are some more nice shots of Maui Life!

New Victor 9000

I have just posted on a very nice Victor 9000 computer. This computer was designed by Chuck Peddle, formerly designer of the Commodore PET, in 1982. This system is in great shape as it is packaged in hard cases used to take the computer to various sites. Now you would use a Laptop. The Victor 9000 was ahead of its day as it has a light pen, microphone and other features not found in other computers at the time.