Commodore 64 "Looking good after all these Years!"
Hard to get excited about a Commodore 64 as Jack Tramiel and Company shipped millions of what was the largest selling computer in its day! This system really turns me on as it is in absolutely perfect condition. Plus the matching peripherals really makes for a handsome photo. There is a group on the East Coast that has funded a program to locate, acquire and restore everything and anything about the Commodore 64. I wonder if they have a system that is this good. Hoe you enjoy. I also want to make you aware of a new video that was on that presented a nice overview of Bill Gates and Paul Allen's new museum StartUP located in Albuquerque. Here are the links.
Thanks for all your feedback and support of the PC Museum.
Dave Freeman

Thanks for all your feedback and support of the PC Museum.
Dave Freeman

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